




5/22/2024 8:46:39 AM




Atrial Fibrillation: Common Questions and Answers About Diagnosis and Treatment

Sarah Holder, Paula Amin

Depression: Managing Resistance and Partial Response to Treatment

Heidi L. Gaddey, Brandyn Mason, Amol Naik

Evaluation and Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting in Adults

Tracy Johns, Elizabeth Lawrence

Substance Misuse in Adults: A Primary Care Approach

Alicia Kowalchuk, Sandra J. Gonzalez, Roger J. Zoorob

Falls in Older Adults: Approach and Prevention

Jessica S. Coulter, Jessica Randazzo, Erinn E. Kary, Haroon Samar



Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Cystic Fibrosis: How Family Physicians Can Partner in Care

Melanie Sue Collins, Kenia Mansilla-Rivera

Anxiety Screening Is Unlikely to Improve Mental Health Outcomes

Brett D. Thombs, Sarah Markham, Danielle B. Rice, Roy C. Ziegelstein


AFP Clinical Answers

Esophageal Cancer, Uterine Bleeding, HIV, Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy, Venous Thromboembolism, Renal Colic

Key clinical questions and their evidence-based answers directly from the journal’s content, written by and for family physicians.


Medicine by the Numbers

Hyaluronic Acid Products for Chronic Wound Healing

Melinda W. Ng, Christina Valerio


Cochrane for Clinicians

Saw Palmetto for the Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Noa C. Hammer, Jill Thiede

Antidepressants to Aid in Smoking Cessation

William D. Nettleton, Jessel Ramdass


Putting Prevention Into Practice

Screening for Anxiety Disorders in Adults

Iris Mabry-Hernandez, Susan J. Ching


Photo Quiz

Persistent Pink Nodules and Hyperpigmented Plaques on Trunk and Extremities

Daniela M. Mendez, Shayna C. Rivard

Red, Verrucous Plaque on the Forearm

Melinda Jean Gruber, Zachary Britstone, Katherine Schaefer



Single Intramuscular Dose of Nirsevimab Reduces Likelihood of Hospitalization Due to RSV in Average-Risk Infants During First Year of Life

Mark H. Ebell

PCI Is Better Than Placebo for Stable Angina in Patients Who Do Not Take Antianginal Medications

Mark H. Ebell

Monoclonal Antibodies for Alzheimer Disease: a Lack of Clinically Meaningful Benefits, Plus Significant Harms

Linda Speer

Delivery of Bad News Via Telephone Is Equal to In-Person Delivery

Allen F. Shaughnessy

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