【社区·基本医疗】初级医疗保健体系的 “三个支点” : 美国加州与中国广东省的比较



8/20/2018 12:00:00 AM

【摘要】 初级医疗保健体系是一个国家医疗卫生系统的门户和基础。构成初级医疗保健体系的要素很多,但该体系的建立与完善离不开全科医师、医疗保险和政府卫生投入 “三个支点”的支撑。本文通过对美国加州和中国广东省初级医疗保健体系的 “三个支点”进行比较分析,认为我国健全初级医疗保健体系的首要任务是培养合格的全科医师; 其次是建立多元化的医疗保险体系,加强医疗保险与初级医疗保健体系的政策对接; 同时需加大政府卫生投入力度,拓宽卫生筹资渠道。
【关键词】 初级卫生保健; 全科医师; 医疗保险; 政府卫生投入; 加利福尼亚州; 广东省
【中图分类号】R 197 【文献标识码】A doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1007 -9572. 2015. 10. 001
黄敏芳,魏东海,Rubino L,等 . 初级医疗保健体系的 “三个支点” : 美国加州与中国广东省的比较 [J] . 中国全科医学,2015,18 (10): 1105 -1108. [ www. chinagp. net]
Huang MF,Wei DH,Rubino L,et al. " Three Pivots" of primary care system: a comparison between State of Californiain the United States and Guangdong Province in China[ J] . Chinese General Practice,2015,18 (10): 1105 -1108.
" Three Pivots" of Primary Care System: A Comparison Between State of California in the United States and
Guangdong Province in China
HUANG Min - fang,WEI Dong - hai,Louis Rubino,et al. School of Health Management,Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510182,China
【Abstract】 Primary care system is the portal and foundation of a nation's health system. There are lots of elements in
primary care system,but it cannot be established and developed without the support of " Three Pivots" which include
general practitioner,health insurance and government health input. The " Three Pivots" of primary care system were compared between State of California in the United States and Guangdong Province in China. The study came up with several suggestions for the improvement of primary care system in China. The primary task is to train qualified general practitioners; another important task isto build diversified health insurance system and strengthen the connection of between health insurance and primary care system; the government should also intensify the health input and broaden health financing channels.
【Key words】 Primary health care; General practitioner; Health insurance; Government health input; State of California; Guangdong Province


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