《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)2016年11月14日至11月20日目次选登



8/20/2018 12:00:00 AM

GPs’ antibiotic prescribing falls more than 5% in a year
Risks of duloxetine for stress incontinence outweigh benefits, say researchers
GPs award potential £700m contract to Virgin Care
US task force recommends statins in healthy people despite limited benefits
Stop demanding antibiotics for children with conjunctivitis, royal college tells schools
Manufacturers tell FDA why they should be able to promote drugs and devices off label
Failure to engage clinicians is putting STPs at risk, says think tank

Non-violent drug users should face no penalty—a call from the Global Commission on Drug Policy

How changes to drug prohibition could be good for the UK—an essay by Molly Meacher and Nick Clegg

Research News

High iron levels are associated with risk of gestational diabetes, study finds
Healthy lifestyle halves heart risk in people at high genetic risk, study finds
The war on drugs has failed: doctors should lead calls for drug policy reform

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